While case study answer Met branch, in its end of season report, said case study solution country as a complete obtained 91 per cent of case study solution long period average rainfall of 89 centimetres during case study answer four month long South West monsoon season, a few States mentioned poor rains in some of their pockets. Among case study answer States that have witnessed a shortfall in rains are Gujarat 34 per cent below normal in Saurashtra and Kutch regions, Karnataka 29 per cent in North Interior Karnataka, Maharashtra 22 per cent low rainfall in Marathwada, except for Bihar, Jharkhand and a few North Eastern States where case study solution rainfall deficit was above 20 per cent. In fact both Maharashtra and Karnataka have already declared a drought in bound areas and approached case study solution Centre for financial advice. If case study solution drought situations persist, it will have an effect on sales of fertilisers and crop protection items. But at this time, it’s a bit early to endanger a guess on case study answer quantum of wear and tear, said an legit with a state owned fertiliser agency, who did not are looking to be named. One company that has been impacted by erratic rains already was agrochemicals and seeds firm Bayer CropScience.